The SAJM offers programmes and tours to students of all ages from pre-school to university level. We can arrange a general tour lasting about an hour, or a programme tailored to specific ages, interests and requests. Theme-specific programmes are also developed around our temporary exhibitions.
Younger learners love to explore the museum with our Dani Dreidel activity books, have a story in the shtetl and experience a Shabbat table. Specifically for Grades 6-8, we offer the Cultural Diversity Education Programme, which includes an anti-bullying workshop and aims to foster respect for the dignity, rights and values of people from all religions and cultures. During the school holidays, our education programmes continue to operate, hosting youth NGO groups.
In addition, we also host special needs schools for tailor-made tours.
Our free Dani Dreidel activity books are also on offer for children who visit the museum privately.
School tours are free of charge, although donations are welcome to support visits from less privileged schools.
Up to 60 learners can be accommodated per visit.
Visits from schools in underprivileged areas are subsidised to include transport and a meal for each student.
Contact Belinda on education@sajewishmuseum.co.za or 021 465-1546.

The museum is very grateful to the many generous donors who support our Education Outreach, including those listed below:
Anne Frank Fonds
Wilfred & Fay Back Charitable Trust
Dis-Chem Foundation
Harold & Beatrice Kramer Foundation
HCI Transport
Goldschmidt Family Foundation
Graaff Family Foundation
Jack & Ethel Goldin Foundation
Kurt & Joey Strauss Foundation
Kalman, Esther & Michael Maisel Trust
Harry & Bertha Tuch Fund
Ann Kreitzer Will Trust
Investec Bank
Bergman Lehane Trust
Ackerman Family Foundation
Hanover Acceptances