We greatly appreciate any support for the South African Jewish Museum in our efforts to secure and celebrate Jewish culture and heritage in South Africa.
Donations to the museum are used to make various projects possible. These include the SAJM Digital Archives, our Education Outreach Programme, temporary exhibitions and public events. All projects aim to inform, educate and create appreciation for Jewish history and culture across a broad and diverse audience.
There are several ways in which you can contribute:
You can make a direct bank deposit to the account below:
Name of Account: The Isaac and Jessie Kaplan Jewish Museum
Bank Name: Nedbank
Bank Address: Gardens Centre, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
Account Number: 1010058916
BIC Number: 10100900
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ
If you are based in the USA, you can mail a check to our 501(c) charity organisation in the USA.
Their details are as follows:
Friends of the South African Jewish Museum,
1385 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite A-602, Denver, Colorado 80222
Employer Identification Number 82-3340395
Please help us keep track of your donation by sending an email confirmation, with your name as reference, to debby@sajewishmuseum.co.za.
Thank you for your donation. We are sincerely grateful to you.